kameleon's kloset

kameleon's kloset

Sunday, November 30, 2014


The colder it gets, the brighter my clothes.  Because black is cliché and means the winter has won. So... crayola fur, orange suede shoes and of course; a gold jumpsuit it is.

Kopy Kameleon:

Elizabeth and James Fur Coat: last one here !
Jeffrey Campbell Pumps: get them here
Rachel Roy Jumpsuit: old but similar here

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Contrary to popular belief, (by popular belief I mean my friends) I don't actually like to write.  Which is surprising because I am your textbook ENFJ, always talking, yelling, or laughing; and it tends to be contagious.  But when I sit down at my computer I all sudden have nothing to say.  So from this point forward, it is quite possible that this blog will end up looking a lot like a tumblr.  My apology in advance. On that note...  this is Kameleon's Kloset.

Kopy Kameleon:

Three Floor Sweater: get it here
Rachel Roy Dress: old but similar here
The Mode Collective Booties: get them here
Ella Stone Rings: only in stores but view collection here
Earrings(designer unknown): similar styles here